sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2009

We are all unsustainable people

Some less than others, but We are all unsustainable people, our lives are full of comfortable and plastic-made things, appliances and services that make life easier, but we have reached the point when most of these objects are not necessary, but especially most of their packages and the amount we consume.

To reach nowadays' quality standard or to be chosen at the supermarket, they must be covered on plastic, no matter if we are talking about bubblegum or other not liquid products, what is more, we have plastic covering plastic in many bottled beverages or food.

Tagging something as a "green product" is very easy in underdeveloped countries, its about colouring the package in herbal green without making any difference in the ingredients, and keeping all the plastic and unnecessary parts of it.

The authorities of this century are not governments any more, but all those global companies, with larger budgets than many small countries, they are those that need to change the way we consume, it's not true that they followed the costumers trends to make changes in their packages or bottles, they tell us the way we need to buy those things that we need.

For example Coca Cola has a green department, that is trying to reduce the amount of plastic in their bottles, but they already had something so much better an greener before, the glass bottle, the one that needed to be given back to the factory for them to refill it. Then is not true that they are really looking forward to make an impact because they can really decide how to improve the quality of our environment. If people wouldn't have plastic as an option, how they would consume it.

Until the moment when companies put business after conservation, we can not talk about green vision or eco-friendly companies, by now we will continue seeing how companies all over the world use our planet as an excuse to market the so-called green products just because they are in "vogue" or making campaigns for the environment in order to reduce their taxes.

Then, decisions that are going to made in Copenhagen in the upcoming days are very important, but those that will be made by the global companies in the future will be crucial.

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