jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2009


Hey 2009 thanks for everything, for the spicy delicious Seoul, for all the people you brought to my life, for the opportunity to wake up in front of those beautiful blue eyes, to give me a wonderful step brother in Beijing, for the opportunity to rethink about how to wash dishes avec les bks, for the new friends at the Embassy, for the old friends at the school, for letting me meet my family and mexican friends again, for remind me that I need to work hard everyday and keep going even when my country is not what I wish, for all those amazing nites at the club, for the Eiffel tower, for la paella en Madrid, for the invisible Ran, for Arturo in London, 谢谢Wanda, and all the people i met during trips, for the wonderful Marí reunion... but sorry, you are history now, so let 2010 come with the upcoming amazing adventures for me :D

2 comentarios:

Laurence dijo...

Thank you too for all those moments shared, I think I'll always remember beijing because you're one of the person who made that experience incredible.

Tu viens quand tu veux en France ou en Martinique.



Unknown dijo...

que linda la laurence! :D